Sunday, March 8, 2009

Top Pick & Portfolio Experience..

I think Kyle's presentation was one of the more enjoyable ones of the class. He did his on the Top 5 dunks of the 08-09 Clemson basketball season, which was an easy topic for many to relate to whether it be for the love of the sport or simply school spirit. I enjoyed the fact that he found clips to play that showed each dunk to the class, this was important because some might not have already seen the actual plays. The presentation was hilarious and had the entire class laughing.

My only experience with online portfolios is whatever you call the "E-portfolio" that you have to complete with graduation. Seeing as how nobody knew how to explain what the actual portfolios should contain, my experience with the program has not been that much of a good one lol. I honestly don't know the name of the program that we are supposed to use, I guess that pretty much sums up my confusion. I think in order to be ready for the portfolio draft I just need to go over what all is being asked for and expected of me in the assignment.

3 favorite presentations

My top three favorite presentations out of the class were the ones on the top 5 worst pickup lines, tips for surviving in a large family, and Jordans. All three individuals pulled the audience into their topics by showing great enthusiasm in their delivery. I felt like I could relate to each of them although not in their exact viewpoints. For example I could picture my friends using ALL of the pickup lines on a drunk weekend night out at a bar. I could totally feel where Rodney was coming from also because I Love Jordans!! I think from listening to others present you could see that differences do nothing but shade the similarities that people of all kinds share.

Cover Letter

I find the advice to be pretty helpful, who wouldn't want tips on ways of bettering your chances of getting a well-paying career? Whatever suggestions that have been proven to work, I'm all ears. I think the section "The Best Use of a Cover Letter" was the most useful because not only does it specifically tell you the different parts of the cover letter, but it goes into detail and notes what order they should be put in and also what information should be included in each section. I didn't know that you should use a P.S. on the cover letter, but it says that it adds extra emphasis to your letter. I will try and use this advice in the future in writing my cover letter for the mock interview if possible.